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您当前的位置:首页 » 国内展会 » 2018年(18届)斯里兰卡国际工程机械、矿山机械展览会
发布时间:2018-03-28        浏览次数:179        返回列表


【英文名称】Construct Exhibition 2018


【展出地点】斯里兰卡 科伦坡




【Range of exhibition】

 1. Excavation machinery: roadheader Excavator Backhoe loader Trencher;

 2. Rock chisel machinery and mining equipment: drilling rig rock drill crusher mineral processing equipment, compressors;

 3. Engineering drilling machines and roadheaders: anchor drilling rigs DTH drilling rigs Non-digging drilling rigs Impact drilling rigs;

 4. Shovel transport machinery: Transporter Bulldozer Scraper Motor grader;

 5. Construction machinery and engineering machinery accessories.

 6. Reinforced steel and prestressed machinery: pipe press cold rolling mill repair machine hydraulic machine steel frame straightening machine;

 7. Pneumatic tools: pneumatic mixer pneumatic cutting tools pneumatic motor high pressure oiler;

 8. concrete machinery: on-board pump concrete mixer concrete mixing building (station) concrete mixing truck concrete distribution bar;

 9. Decoration machinery: Decoration lifting machinery Mud pump screeding machine Paint spraying pump Electric tools;

 10. Piling machinery: pile driver Diesel pile hammer hydraulic shear pile machine drilling machine;

11. Road machinery: grader paver sweeper car dash car;

 12. Compaction Machine: Compactor Compactor Vibration 夯 Roller Compactor;

 13. Construction cranes: truck cranes hoists Gantry cranes aerial work platforms;

 14. Municipal engineering and sanitation machinery: Wreckers Sprinklers Washers Sprayers Fire engines;

 15. Mobile industrial vehicles: construction vehicles, mining vehicles, trailers, internal combustion balance trucks, three-way stacker forklifts;


 16. Powerplants and accessories: Diesel generator set air compressor engine and its components Braking system Transmission suspension system drive axles; various accessories electrical accessories and assembly hydraulic seals and assemblies and maintenance testing equipment and accessories Car accessories travel weight;


CONSTRUCT由NCASL斯里兰卡建筑工程协会举办,一年一届。展览面积约15000平方米,参观人数约达3万人次。斯里兰卡是宝石的王国,被称为印度洋上的一颗珍珠。过去几十年由于内战的拖累,经济发展受到限制。2009 年内战结束以后,斯里兰卡经济突飞猛进,在当前严峻的世界经济形势下逆市而上。内战结束,形势稳定,百废待兴,目前斯里兰商机凸显,特别是基础设施建设领域。数据显示,去年斯里兰卡已投入700 亿卢比(约合5.47 亿美元)用于高速公路、能源、水利、城市管网等基础设施项目。斯里兰卡首条高速公路已于2011 年底建成。与此同时,基础设施建设的热潮带动了斯里兰卡对工程机械设备的大量需求,包括工程机械、路面设备等。房地产开发内战结束后,斯里兰卡旅游业恢复活力,2010 年斯里兰卡被纽约时报列为年度最值得旅游的31 个目的地之首的国家。目前该国正积极加快国内交通网络建设,提升酒店接待能力,这为房地产业发展带来机遇。斯里兰卡计划在未来5 年增加50000 间酒店房间数。据悉,已批准在全国范围内新建35 家五星级酒店,其中首都科伦坡新建11 家。此外,由于斯里兰卡高端投资人士及旅居澳、美、英、加等国的侨民认为高端公寓

是当地最可靠的投资选择,因此,当前斯里兰卡豪华公寓开发如火如荼。据统计,西部省特别是科伦坡地区50%的高端公寓在开工前就已售出。有关机构预测,2020年以前,科伦坡每年需修建10 万套公寓才能满足市场需求。当地房地产业的繁荣,带动对铝材、塑钢、水泥、钢铁、大理石、卫浴、维护设备等材料的需求量日趋庞大,而斯里兰卡建材类产品需求几乎100%靠进口,这为中国企业提供了巨大的商机。